Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Time

Now we are over the busy christmas time I can now sit back and reflect on it all, I feel so very lucky to have a beautiful family with 4 excellent boys.

Loved watching the boys in their christmas concert it was Degans first school one.

Degan was a reindeer and Isaac was a surfer for an hot Aussie christmas, both the boys did excellent so proud of them.

We took the boys into the city for the huge Adelaide christmas pagent we left home at 6:30am  to get a front row seat, we met the Sands family and my sister and her girls came too. The kids loved drawing all over the rd before it started with the chalk.

Also while at the pagent they were doing a world record of the most people to wear a red nose for 5 minutes
I took the 3 younger boys with the Sands family to the magic cave and to santaland.
We also went to the carols, drives to see christmas lights, my side of the family christmas lunch, the brewery lights.

The kids had a great christmas day, and now we are enjoying the holidays, love the sleep ins and not having to rush in the mornings the only thing crappy is it has been in the 40's the last few days way to hot to do anything so we are starting to go a little crazy.

catch up pics

Here are some pics, see how my babies have grown.

  Easter morning

My big boy, Jyes 16th Birthday

A day later my baby turned 1

Degan's first school excursion

My boys at the beach

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Catch up

I have been slack with the blog but this is now a new year with me aiming to write a post at least once a week for 2012.

It has been pretty full on since I have last written, nick started his new job, Jett turned one, jye got his lience, Isaac played basketball and learnt guitar at school, degan played basketball, soccer and finished his first year at school, nicks mum (Linda) passed away from cancer, nick Jett and me flew to qlds for the funeral. My nanna (mums mum) passed away we scattered the ashes in the ocean with grand dad, started making and selling soy candles plus tie dye clothing with my sister at markets.

I will added pics for the year soon.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Busy life

The past few weeks have been so busy I cant believe we are nearly the end of March.

Degan had a week of swimming with his school, so that week just went at a blink of a eye, from dropping the kids off at school then coming home let Jett sleep then watch the swimming come home lunch Jett afternoon sleep then pick the kids up from school then after school activity's tea bathes bed.

Degan loved it though was excited for the past 5 years he has come with me to watch the older boys do theres and now finally it was his turn.

Then Jye my eldest broke his hand at the BMX track, so we have had to travel about 50 minutes everyfornight for appointments in town at the womens and childrens hospital to have his hand looked at. it really makes me thankful for how healthy my children have been when you see how sick some poor kids are. On one appointment I have Issac with us to and we were waiting for Jye while he was in with the hand therapist and a boy about 15 walked past in hand cuffs the look on Isaac face and as soon as they had gone past he asked why did he have hand cuffs so I explained and he was so shocked that kids really do go to jail if naughty. Jye finally got the all clear on Thursday but has to still be careful for up to 3 months, but that didnt stop him going motor bike riding.

We had a great family day motor bike riding with my sisters family and some friends, the boys had a blast and havent stopped asking to go again.

                                       This was the ute and trailor with the quad and 2 bikes.

                                  Degan wore his helmet all day even when eating his bbq lunch

                                                Jye in all his new gear he got for christmas

                                                                    Isaac on the quad

                                                         Isaac and Jett giggling together.

The boys winter sports are about to start in the next 2 weeks, Isaac has Basketball and Jye and Degan play soccer,  we are out nearly everynight with trainings so my busy life continues but I wouldnt change it for the world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

On the sewing journey

Since I brought a brother sewing machine from spotlight about 7 months ago, I have been teaching myself how to sew and make stuff for the kids. I am really surprised by how much I love it. At times it can be a bit stressful  when I am trying to make something and the machine doesnt do what I want( lots of swearing going on) but at the end when its all done and finished I find happiness looking at what I have made. Afew thing I have made are  a wrap, MCN wallet, bibs, picnic blanket and a cot quilt.

                                     MCN wallet holder, I leave this in the car with a spare mcn

                                                    Jetts VHC cot quilt(its my favourite).

                       Bibs I did with velcro but I now have a snap press and will be using that.

So today I went to spotlight to get some material to make our family costumes for a recycling  themed birthday party, have the 3 younger ones organised. Tomorrow I am off to the op shops to get mine, Nicks and Jyes. Hopefully pick up a bargain or 2 as well.

Monday, February 14, 2011

good times with family

On Sunday we went out for my mums birthday, its really the first time since my step dad passed (16/12/09) that mum has wanted to do something. We all went the Parafield Gardens club they had 7 bands playing it was a fundraiser for the Queensland floods. We all had a great day the kids had a blast signing and dancing.

                                     My 2 middle boys and my 2 nieces, grooving to the music together

                                                 Jett with Diana for his first concert.

It was good to see my mum happy and enjoying herself, its been so hard since Daryl passed. The weird thing is Daryl used to say that Kryptonite by 3 doors down was his song, since his funeral it comes up at some freaked out times on my son birthday just as he was blowing out the candles we had the radio on and it came on. A band played this song on Sunday and it blew us away it like he is still here sharing the important days with us.

                                                       My mum and sister.

It was such a good day to be with family and friends it raise about $10 000 just on the door entry for the Queensland floods plus there was raffles etc.

Days like these make you realise how special good family and friends are and that you should never take these days for granted, stop look around stop your child laughing, see them playing, see your mum really smile for the first time in a while, laugh with your partner, enjoy the company your in.

                                                            Mum with all her grandkids.
                                                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Background behind the blog

I have been reading blogs for a while now and have been thinking of starting my own for ages. Thought my life would be to boring, but I have decided I want to do this for me and my family and maybe make it into a book full of family memories.

So here is my background, I am a mumma to for beautiful boys.

There is Jye 15 years old, he is soccer mad and really just sports crazy he is currently doing year 11 at Senior school.

 Isaac 10 years old, he is in year 5 at school and plays guitar, basketball and now T ball for the next 6 weeks.

Degan 5 years old, his birthday is Australia Day, he has just started school 2 weeks ago, he plays soccer (well really he just wears the outfit and plays in the mud) but he loves it and thats what counts.

Our new addition is Jett he is 9 months old born on the 12th of May, he is a cloth bum baby, wears amber and loves being worn.

I have been with my husband since i was 15 so about 18 years together, some days are good some are totally crap but we love each other and the kids so it seams to work.

I love being a SAHM and wouldn't have it any other way. I love taking them to school and their sports. I love seeing their faces when they recognise me there watching them.

I love knowing I have fourty fingers and fourty toes safely tucked in bed every night.